"I Don't Trust You", The First Post-Op Doctor Visit

If I hear you are not being a good boy, I am going to sew your heel to your butt!
— - Doc Tellam, Ankle & Foot Associates

Doc Tellam doesn’t mince words. And, something tells me he’s serious.

Lack of Trust on Both Sides

Take 35% OFF all high-quality, CBD products from Isodiol. Full transparency, they are sponsoring my recovery, but naturally, I want to only use products that work for me, and I find Isodiol brand products perfect me and my situation.

Take 35% OFF all high-quality, CBD products from Isodiol. Full transparency, they are sponsoring my recovery, but naturally, I want to only use products that work for me, and I find Isodiol brand products perfect me and my situation.

Lindsay came along for the post-op visit specifically to speak directly to the doc. She didn’t trust me to relay the information as prescribed, instead, believing I would hear whatever I wanted to hear, and relay THAT information to her.

Doc doesn’t trust me either. After a quick review of the healing thus far, he decided to wrap me in a full, hard cast for optimal protection.

A Little Less Foot

In these before and after Xrays, you can see where the doc shaved off a considerable amount of bone. During the surgery he shaved away excess bone growth in my heel, cleaned up some gnarly scar tissue, and addressed the bursitis by draining retained fluid in the bursa sac. Basically, it was a kinda-sorta version of Haglund’s Deformity surgery.



See all that extra bone in the heel?


Now it’s gone…

Don’t let your body spend energy on pain. It needs to spend it all on healing.
— Tatyana Oh, Nurse & Elite Ultrarunner

I took the pain pills. A good friend of mine who is an elite ultrarunner and nurse, pretty much forced my hand at taking the narcotics. Her quote above made a lot of sense to me and for once, I decided to listen. There is no glory in enduring pain for no real reason.

See ya next update!