
Sometimes parents are so clueless thinking it will not happen to their child, I know because I am one of them. Children do not know how to process what’s happening or who to tell because most of the time it’s a family member. EVERY parent needs to talk to their kids. So if run2heal just starts conversations, you will have accomplished a lot.
— Debra G.
I loved watching The Selection [tv show] and I wanted you to succeed, but I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t overly confident you would. Not because I thought you were weak, but simply because of the odds. After watching what you were able to overcome I now know you’re like the house, and the odds are always in the house’s favor. I’ll be following all 3,000 miles. I know you’ll keep us entertained, informed and inspired.
— Josh D.
There’s no person who knows you thats thinking you won’t accomplish this. One of your greatest assets that you routinely share with us is the power of positive reinforcement and rewards of goal setting. I think you’ll not only finish this but before it’s over you’ll have developed an even larger challenge for yourself!
— Vince C.
Keep walking through the flames.

While I get that you first started running, much like we extremist do, to run away from your problems, to calm the noise between your ears. I genuinely believe that you’re running this go ‘round because you have calm between those same ears. Your transformation has been incredible to watch, and I am eager to see how many people you can encourage to make the same changes.

Asking for help is scary. Admitting you need it publicly can be even scarier. If somebody as tough as you can ask for help, maybe it’ll be less scary for the rest of us.

I love you. So proud of you.
— Lindsay L.
‘Bad things happen when good people do nothing’ ...You are and have done so much! My son (s) sees a strong man running across the country, not for a medal, not for money, but for him, and those like him....it truly is a wonderful thing. “That guy from Ninja warrior mom?” “Running to help stop the bad people from hurting kids? He’s a super hero!” And that’s just my boys...
— Wendi R.
I will match the first $1k! Let the games begin!
— Dave W.
Christian, you are passionate in everything you do. Yes, I think you can complete the 3000 miles, but if you don’t it doesn’t matter, it’s giving it a go for a reason that is close to your heart and part of you. How much can be raised ... I have no idea. A lot I hope. There are so many people who have and are being affected by abuse every day and it is the few special people like you who make it aware to others who once ignored the problem. You have my support as always.
— Sue U.
Nothing will stop Christian from reaching the 3000 mile goal. His intense ability to commit to a project, added to his “failure is not an option” mental outlook, and topped off with his deep-seated passion for the cause of preventing child abuse, mean he is going to reach the other coast regardless of exhaustion, blisters, broken bones or blood loss. And children will benefit from his effort.
— Scott J.